Anterior and Posterior Slings

Oblique means slanted, neither parallel nor at a right angle. It’s also defined as not straightforward, devious, and underhanded.

The internal and external obliques usually evade our crunched attempts at core training unless the spine is twisted off center to force these powerful torso stabilizers to fire.

So why is it so hard to include these muscles into exercise unless we side plank ourselves to death, which has yet to prove its efficacy in creating more stable torsos? We’ll explore why these core muscles might be the key to restoring power while stabilizing your spine.

The biggest problem in creating stronger cores is how to get the strength we gain on the floor, where the spine is the most stable, into standing, because the two rarely connect. We’ve had some luck using ½ kneel and full kneel stance, but not to the point where the core is strongest in standing.

A significant implication of current theory is that the brain cannot translate the isolationist approach to exercise into the whole body movements it needs to perform daily. We need to get on the same page as the brain that doesn’t have a representation of a bicep stored in its neural net, only the movements it contributes to.

Shifts in thinking haven’t necessarily changed the way people train, as a matter of fact, so much training is still rooted in old bodybuilding theory of isolating parts hoping the whole will be greater.

But haven’t crossfit and other whole body movement theories shown up and are producing results?

Good question.

What four things do all Olympians, professional athletes, and other freaks of movement do best?

They flex, extend, control rotation, and change direction better than anyone. The best player on any field does this better than their counterparts who have to defend against an onslaught of movement we need to see in slow motion to really appreciate.

This will continue to be the greatest folly of a seated, predominantly flexed, population. Lack of full extension causes rotation from where it causes the most damage. This is why tight hip flexors and protracted shoulders are implicated in the question mark posture so many assume as they age. 

So applying giant, sweeping, power movements to flexed populations sounds risky at best, despite everyone knowing someone who dated someone’s cousin who said their brother knows a coworker who lost 8,000 pounds doing (insert fad here).

To arrive at a more sound application of current theory, we all sit at a crossroads. Turn left toward old theories repackaged under different logos; or plow right toward the application of a more sound theory of what moves us.

Slings are chains of muscles, fascia, and ligaments. For example:

The Anterior Oblique Sling is the coupling of the external and internal oblique connecting with the contralateral adductor muscles via the adductor-abdominal fascia.  

The Posterior Oblique Sling is the coupling of the latissimus dorsi, glute maximus, and the interconnecting thoracolumbar-abdominal fascia.


The RAMP Method at Meso Fit Boca incorporates the brain, core, and fascia, into exercise. The Lunge Into Row and Supine Rear Lateral below are just two examples of exercises that address real life issues. Clients report unrestricted movement that allows them greater exploration. We provide clients with strength that’s applicable anywhere in life, not just the gym. Our method restores parts of the body downgraded by trauma, excessive use, or injury. We then use our exercises to re-pattern the brain to move in accordance with sound theory.

Lunge Into Row targets the posterior sling.

Lunge Into Row targets the posterior sling.

 Supine Rear Lateral Begin

Bent to Straight Arml Rear Lateral Top View 2 (1).jpg

 Supine Rear Lateral End


Bent to Straight Arml Rear Lateral Top View 3.jpg

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    Wyndham Boca, 4th Floor | 1950 Glades Road | Boca Raton
    P: 561-931-2792 | F: 561-931-2613
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